Category: House Museum

House Museum Reviews

This collection of realistic Reviews helps you plan your next adventure.

Learn about House Museums that deserve to be on your itinerary.

What is a House Museum?

A house museum is a historic dwelling that is open to public. This definition contains three main characteristics: it is a (1) historic (2) home turned (3) museum.

Some houses are architectural masterpieces. They become museums to allow people to admire their beauty. Many buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright are in this category.

But not every architectural landmark is a museum. Many buildings have historical and architectural value. But they are not open to public.

A house museum opens its doors to the visitors. You should have an ability to explore both the exterior and the interior of a house museum.

Other houses have great historical significance. They become museums to commemorate the life of their owners or household members.

Many of these houses are donated to the state by the owner or the heirs. Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Vanderbilt Mansion fall into that category.

Finally, there are houses that have neither exquisite architectural elements or famous owners.

Such houses become museums to preserve collective memory. Furniture and artifacts from a particular era are added to such house museums.


These realistic Reviews have in-depth overviews of each House Museum. They document a real experience and share it with you to help you make an opinion about the house.

Each review describes whether you need a guided or a self guided tour to visit. They cover entrance requirements, fees, reservations, and hours. Do not skip suggestions on ways to reach the museums and nearby places to stay. is a resource to help you plan an memorable visit to the best House Museums.

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